iklan disini

3 Mei 2010

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In treating breast, you need to be more careful than with other body treatments. That is because the skin covering the breast is more tender and thinner skin than other female body parts. And keep in mind also the nipple, where the piece is her skin softer and more sensitive again. And to make the breasts to be beautiful, you need to take care of him constantly.

f breasts are not too dirty because many of your activities that emit sweat, avoid using soap diarea, because some types of soap can dry the skin around the breast. And you can use a light moisturizer or sweet almond oil every other day if visible nipples are cracked. Also add a few drops of essential oils like lavender, and neroli scent to soften your breasts at the same time.

In addition, you also can avoid breast rubbed with a rough towel, because if there are blisters, can make milk putung pain and tenderness.

Here are some Tips To Maintain Breast Health:

Maintain Breast Health Tip 1: Reduce eating fatty foods

A diet high in animal fat may increase the risk of breast cancer. According to experts, high-fat diet can produce chemicals in the gut which relates the same time the bacteria will turn it into estrogen as a cause of cancer. Estrogen is then stored in the fatty breast tissue that makes the cell in this area are more likely to grow into cancer.

Maintain Breast Health Tip 2: Increase fiber consumption

Consumption of fruits and vegetables is important to prevent breast cancer. Fiber contained in vegetables, whole grains and fruit can affect the metabolism of estrogen in the body, and reduce estrogen in the blood.

Maintain Breast Health Tip 3: Eat lots of vegetables

Eating lots of vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok, choy, green vegetables such as kale and spinach, cauliflower and radishes china, good for breast health because they contain sulfur components called indoles. Indoles actually helps reduce estrogen from the body and prevent it from growing into breast cancer. Only this type of vegetables that are known to alter estrogen in the body, and prevent them developing into breast cancer.

Maintain Breast Health Tip 4: Eat fish

Research shows that consuming at least three servings of fish each week such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines can help prevent breast cancer. Omega oils that are commonly found in fish may help strengthen the immune system and inhibit tumor effect that causes cancer.

Maintain Breast Health Tip 5: Eat Soy

Some scientists believe that by consuming soy products can protect you against the hormone causes tumors. Soybeans and other soy products contain genistein, a natural estrogen that binds to receptors in the breast so that his name not possible the growth of cancer.

Maintain Breast Health Tip 6: Regular Exercise

The study where women who do aerobic exercise for 3.8 hours or more perminggunya, less likely to develop breast cancer than those who never exercise at all.

Well so a few tips for you, Indonesian women, in maintaining your breast health. You need to keep your breasts to be healthy and beautiful


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iklan disini

iklan disini

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